IPVS connection timeout issue

Issue When TCP session is idle for more than 15 mins (900 secs), IPVS connection times out and gets cleared from the connection table. There are two different timeouts — one for IPVS and another one for TCP. Default IPVS timeout value: ipvsadm -l --timeout Timeout (tcp tcpfin udp): 900 120 300 Default TCP timeout value: tcp_keepalive_time = 7200 (seconds) tcp_keepalive_intvl = 75 (seconds) tcp_keepalive_probes = 9 (number of probes) When IPVS timesout, it clears the connection from the table....

September 15, 2018


原文转载自 Lvs Persistence 综述 今天遇到了一个问题,客户端psql在连接Greenplum时,静置一段时间后(大约15分钟),随便敲一条select * from x...

September 15, 2018